Development Review Process

Site Plan Review & Special Land Use Permit Flowchart

Site Plan Review

Site Plan Review provides for collaboration between the land developer and the Planning Commission so that the developer may accomplish objectives in the use of land within the regulations of the Zoning Ordinance. Site Plan Review requires Planning Commission review and approval as well as a public hearing. Please refer to Section 820 - Site Plan Review in the East Bay Charter Township Zoning Ordinance for application procedure, information required, and criteria for review.

Special Land Use
A Special Land Use is a use that permitted within a specified zone district after meeting specific supplemental use requirements listed in the Zoning Ordinance. A Special Land Use requires Planning Commission review and approval as well as a public hearing. All site plan review criteria applies (Section 820 of the East Bay Charter Township Zoning Ordinance) as well as Article VI - Specific Standards and Requirements for Special Land Uses.

Planned Unit Development

A Planned Unit Development is intended to accommodate developments with mixed or varied uses, having sites with unusual topography or unique settings within the community, or on land which exhibits difficult and costly development problems. Planned Unit Developments are intended to allow for flexibility and to encourage innovation in land development. A Planned Unit Development requires Planning Commission review and recommendation to the Township Board of Trustees.  Please refer to Section 636 of the East Bay Charter Township Zoning Ordinance for the requirements of a PUD application.

Rezoning and Text Amendments Flowchart

Zoning Text Amendment
A Zoning Text Amendment changes the text of the Zoning Ordinance. A proposed text amendment may be initiated by a resident, Planning Commission, or Township Board. A text amendment goes before the Planning Commission with a public hearing, which then provides a recommendation to the Township Board for final decision.

Zoning Map Amendment (Rezoning)

A Zoning Map Amendment changes the official Zoning Map of the Township. A proposed map amendment may be initiated by a resident, Planning Commission, or Township Board. A map amendment goes before the Planning Commission with a public hearing, which then provides a recommendation to the Township Board for final decision.

Zoning Board of Appeals Flowchart
The ZBA hears and makes decisions on appeals to any order, requirement, permit, decision, or refusal made by the Zoning Administrator or by any other official in administering or enforcing any provision of Zoning Ordinance. This review authority does not apply to decisions made by the Planning Commission, the Zoning Board of Appeals, or the Township Board.